
Showing posts from May, 2020

Home Birth

 This is just a warning:  this post is going to be longish. It includes my motivation for home births as well as my first home birth story. I intend to either make another post about my second home birth, or add it to this later!   About a year after I knew motherhood was to become a primary calling in my life, I started researching home birth. It was a part of a broader  research about "clean green living" as I called it at the time. ( I made a folder and everything for this! It was my totally self motivated nerdy- ness at its finest.) It was a plan that involved simplicity and cleaning up my health little by little. I wanted to go green. To be kinder to my body and the earth. Release my inner tree hugger and respect the life I've been given and the beauty of God's design. I felt called to do this for many reasons but the more I learned the more I believed it was God's call. I'm definitely still working on this, and find that it's a day by day little by l...

Who am I?

"My name is Ned I do not like my little bed. This is no good this is not right. My feet stick out of bed all night and when I pull them in, oh dear, my head sticks out of bed up here"- Dr. Seuss- One fish, two fish, red fish, Blue fish Okay, so my name isn't Ned, it's Bridget. And I'm not a character in a Dr. Seuss book, even though having a toddler and infant sometimes makes me feel that way(you know, extra hairy and talking nonsensically to myself all day).  I love to read, and write. I'm probably addicted to chocolate. And baking. Baking is a major form of therapy for me. I'm a bit of a hippie and minimalist. I just like to keep things simple. As in, home birth s cloth diapers,  ecological breastfeeding, recycling, constantly donating all the extra stuff that is accumulating as I type, composting, gardening ( but my husband gets all the credit for keeping plants alive) and I think you get the picture.  I love nature and summer, but I'm not friends w...

This little light of mine

I am creating this blog against  my  better judgment,  I suppose. I have been told for much of my life, by various people, that I am good writer. (Although with two kiddos under two, it's been a while since I've exercised these writing muscles for more than list making.) However, like with my baking,  I've never felt the need to "enter it in the fair" that is online blogging. I guess I have been content to just enjoy writing for the sake of it and mostly keep it to myself.  Recently, though, I started doing some soul searching and taking an online class about the charisms  of the holy spirit and I came across some quotes that really stopped me and forced me to take a look at  what  I'm doing and  why , all over again. When confronted with this statement, from Fruitful Discipleship by Sherry Weddell, " if you think you may have the charism of writing, the only way to find out is to put your writing out there where other people can read it...